The Palette Pulse: December Art Vibes
The Palette Pulse: December Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse: October Art Vibes
October Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse: September Art Vibes
September Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse: August Art Vibes
August Art Vibes
Palette Pulse: July Art Vibes

Palette Pulse: June Art Vibes
The Palette Pulse: June Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse: May Art Vibes
The Palette Pulse: (Mid) April Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse: March Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse: February Art Vibes
Busy Days Ahead

The Palette Pulse January Art Vibes
The Palette Pulse: January Art Vibes
Happy New Year!
I don't usually make New Year's resolutions. Whether you make resolutions or not, I think the new year is a great time to reflect on the past year and look forward to what's on the horizon in the new year. I try to figure out what "better" means to me, and I try to be better. Eckhart Tolle said, "You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you."
Last month, I applied for an art residency. I was hopeful, but I didn't get it. Outstanding artists received the grant, and I can't wait to see what they create with their opportunity.
I'm traveling back from Colorado as I type and heading to New Mexico. When I get home, I will do some laundry, pay bills, clean my art studio, take out a fresh canvas, and find the goodness within me. I hope you'll do the same for yourself.

The Palette Pulse December Art Vibes

The Palette Pulse November Art Vibes
It's November, and the cold temperatures have hit New Mexico. It's not quite heavy coat, beanie, and boots weather, but it's time for sweaters and sweatshirts.
I've been busy creating, advertising, selling, and shipping my 2024 Art Calendar. If you'd like to order one, I will get another shipment on the 15th of November. I can hold on to one (or two) for you. You can let me know via email or instant message me on IG or FB. The calendar is the same price as last year: 25 USD (including shipping to US addresses). You can Venmo (@LesliePinoDurant) or Paypal (lesliepinodurant@gmail.com) the cost of the calendar. I will use the profits from each calendar to purchase my art supplies for the following year. So, thank you for supporting me!
I've also added more work to my Redbubble store. You can purchase various products like prints, mugs, canvas art, and even tote bags of my art. There are many great gifts, hint - hint! Here's the link to my Redbubble online store: LESLIE'S REDBUBBLE STORE
I've added original art on my site for purchase. More great gifts, right? You can check out my original art for sale using this link: LESLIE'S ORIGINAL ART
Lastly, your November desktop calendar is above for your downloadable enjoyment!
Thank You - Have a Splendid November!
The Palette Pulse October Art Vibes

August Art News
July Art News

June Art News
June (downloadable) Desktop Calendar

New Year - Same Me
Happy December, Friends!

Sharing….an introvert artist
I struggle sharing my art. It doesn’t come easy and I’ve figured out that I lean more toward an introverted personality.